Sunday, January 2, 2011

am officially engaged!i am.. :')

kamu kamu..
hari ney sy start the day as a new person or shud i say as a new girl..
kalau kamu ikot baca blog tunang semalam..
ooh yess..1.1.2011..the start of the new year..
ape perasaan?hmm..of course im happy..terharu,happy,nak nangis n rase mcm nak pakai cincin setiap masa bole x?haha..okay gedik plss..

i wanna thank u kat sume lah yg, friends, n all..
terharu sy Allah je yg tahu..n to those yg sy x dpt ajak, im soo sorry kerna jemputan nya x ramai..
mahu mungkin tggu nikah pula yea..haha..
ooh shite did i just ckp nikah?haaa..sila tggu okays?huhu..
so kalau kamu tanya how was smlm?
semua dtg awal okay..almost semua..kate nya excited nak last2 x start awal pon..
pukul 1 jugak kerna tggu ustaz dtg..

nnt tggu official pictures okays?for the meantime..
pada kamu yg ade fb sy,,sila tgk fb k..
adikku dah upload..300+ pictures lahhh..haha
terima kasih papa,mama,adik2 sbb dah penat buat sume ney..
i loveeeeeee my day!pelamin, doorgift, pictures, baju, accessories n all..ooh n my make up as well!thanks cik yip.. :)
jadi skrg..its lah tunangan incik FSA n im a step further..
thanks again pada semua yg dtg, bg cakes, presents n advice..
kata org, tunang byk dugaan..n i promise u sy akan cuba buat anything to protect the r/ship..
xoxo to all..nahh tgk pictures ney okays?more in fb..




  1. Wow what a beautiful engagement!
    Love the color, your hair, and your gown :)

    Congrats dear~

  2. suker tgk e-day kamOo..sgt cantek + u pun cute.. =) congrats..
