Tuesday, May 17, 2011


kamu kamu..
bila dikira..perjalanan utk ke kehidupan baru ade 6 bln lg..
yess!6 months!that's like half a year to goooo...insyaAllah :)
shud i b excited or nervous?hmm..both actually..
am trying not to think too much n just prepare ape yg patut n bole step by step..
kalau sy tgk, nampak mcm byk yg da siap prepare n planning..
tp the smallest2 things tue byk lg..konon boleh prepare last minute nnt but xbole..
sy kena start jgak sbb nnt lupa or nak tukar ke kan?plus insyaAllah july nnt papa minta sy amyk paper for exam..it's gonna b hard..work, study, planning, preparing..for 6 months time..haha
gila msty stress..but i'll definitely try n manage it.. :)

okay..so..one of the most exciting part preparing a wedding would be shopping for hantaran..
at least for me lah..who doesnt love shopping kan?
so sale belum start dan sy n incik terlalu excited utk membeli..kami start beli from bulan 3 lg..
kronik kan excited lebih?bukan lah, actually kami buat mcm tue sbb ikut advice kwn when he suggested utk beli 1 brg tiap bulan..kenapa?
okay..pada kamu yg dah kumpul dari awal n already have enuff to buy semua hantaran, then plss wait for sale..tp mcm kami..kami kumpul, yess..
tp yea lah..kena pkai utk bnda lain jgak kan?jd the friend suggested utk beli tiap bulan bila gaji masuk..sbb time gaji masuk, kita ade duit..n kita tolak utk savings, pay what u need to pay, baru beli 1 barang..then duit lebih tue pandai lah kau makan sebulan..haha..
at least nnt bila konon kumpul for savings, tetibe x ckup utk hantaran, how?
to be save, kami pon ikut lah cadangan tue..that's y kami beli awal2 lg..
yg mane kami rase brg xkan sale or sale pon sikit je..kami beli dulu..

tpppppp!dgn kesal nya sy silap..terbeli perfume just 1 day before Isetan's sale started..
bodoooooooooooooooo gilaaaaaaa!
i know right..tue lah antara benda plg menyesal dlm dunia..haha..sampai bbm incik n rasa nak nangis..
okay mcm ney..i always wanted MJ daisy for hantaran..sbb kan baru keluar daisy pink kan?
i know EDT je tp wangi kot..dan super mahal..minta jaja tgkkan kat dublin pon masih mahal..
so sy kate xpe lah, buy sini je kan..(sorry jaja)..BUT!
on the day i bought the 'not MJ' perfume, Dior buat promotion kat tgh2 klcc tue..so, the lembut guy came n sibuk promote..spray smpi 2-3 perfume..i like Dior..tp mahal jgak kan..so maybe rase mcm die ade pkai guna2 utk tarik sy n beli tros..shit!konon free gift tue lah..ney lah..bg bunga bagai..haha..
taik lembuuuuu!arghhh..haha..si incik pon bayar n ikut je lah sy..
esok nyaaaaa...stupid Isetan sale..dan..MJ daisy pink dijual hanyalah pada rm340 for 125ml n ada set!lotion, miniature, siap bole mintak sample semua lg okay..lps tue sy nak nangis..it's 125ml lah yanaaaa!

okay lah..kesimpulan nya..sila beli brg yg anda rasa bole sale time sale shj okay?tp as for brg yg anda rase can buy anytime, u can..go ahead..okay contoh, tetibe ade PC Fair..go buy camera ke, laptop ke..tetibe jam ade tulis value buy n time tue blom start sale..sila buy..as for perfume..pls dont..haha..or u'll end up crying like me..haha..hantaran sy..hampir complete..skit lg..tggu pitih masuk akhir bln..haha..mama, singapore plss can ah?hahaha..

doakan sy planning lancar plss?kadang stress sgt..mcm xde masa sgt..ney blom amyk class lg..
insyaAllah..am really hoping semua end up mcm yg sy plan..akan rajinkan diri browse page2 yg menarik bila ade masa..haha..okay bye!



Tuesday, May 10, 2011

alaa..da bole bukak.. :(

kamu kamu..
sbnr nya nak btao lama dah..tp lupa sgt..
since wedding insyaAllah will be akhir tahun, sy dah bole bukak braces dlm bulan 7 kots..
alaa..sy xnak bukak..haha..if lah org tue da pkai braces lama kan, they would miss their braces bila dia kena bukak nnt..
tanya lah sape pon..sbb dia dah biasa dgn braces dia, msty dia rase lain once dah bukak nnt..
im gonna experience that too..alaaaaa...xsukaa...

bole x nak kawin pkai braces?just like time e-day ritue pkai je braces..hihi..
bkn nya senyum nampak gigi pon..(okay sila kutuk sy senyum!) haha..
but no..mama mmg mintak sy bukak braces masa kawin..buruk kata nya..
bila tanya doc when boleh cabut, mmg die kate next visit which would be in july..
im gonna miss u braces..seriously i will..
n sy akan berasa jealous sbb adik2ku still in braces..

braces, u've been my CLOSEST n INTIMATE partner..
n u're leaving me?ooh i will miss u..n now im sad..
u've changed me..u made me feel confident again..
thank u so very much..
wahh..over kan?haha..

okay bye!



Tuesday, May 3, 2011

hantaran :)

kamu kamu..
gilaaa cuti sakan kan?hihi..over kot kan korg cuti..
today sy blog lps keje..sbb super bzzzzzzz..boss cuti pon bz jugak..lame!
sorry lah blog kalau kat ofis nnt msty lari sume paragraph..xpe..ney sy blog kat pc lain..

btw, last weekend straight 3 days klcc..yess, i know..sgt L.A.M.E again..
homaigod..klcc...bhosan sgt kot kan..but if ade tujuan..beli stuffs, then it's okay..
so the reason y we went straight 3 days klcc sbb beli brg hantaran..
no lah..xlah beli semua kan..mane nak dpt pitih nya..ney pon sbb dpt gaji..
slowly kejar buy skit2..plus blom saleeeee..i hate!okay sbb sale skit sgt..so sy benci..

saturday pg dating..y klcc?sbb kami nak cari hantaran utk si incik lah..
okay so we thot of buying a dunhill shirt..
(poyo lah kan konon nak buy once in a lifetime shirt for him)
so kami pon wahh..beriya lah masuk dunhill..
incik with his 'kuning sbb dah lusuh' jeans + koyak+'hitam sbb kotor' shoes..
n me with a boring maxi dress..mmg sgt x sesuai lah nak masuk that time..
sat lg tanya..a basic shirt for rm800..n so it was not on sale..i mean we can get rm400 for 1 if it's on sale..so tros keluar sbb malu..lari budget weyh..haha
sorry xdpt dunhill k incik?then kami masuk raoul..we like raoul..the shirt, the shoes..
n the price kira affordable lah jgak kan..so last2 beli raoul je..dpt 2 pulak tue..
plus a pair of shoes!!!i know right..nasib x beli dunhill :)
xpe lah..hantaran kali ney cheapskate skit..sorry incik.. :p
nasib he didnt mind :(

n for sunday..klcc again sbb bwk adam si budak gumuk..y?
toys'r'us of course..haha..nak cari amende ntah teck deck..
no luck..we didnt find any..so we stayed sampai malam..papa meeting lahhhhhh kat situ...
arghh tensi!

oohhh..i had one of the best day smlm (monday) :)
thanks to norina n akma..we had lunch, coffee..
n norin n incik teman cari make up..
ooh yeay..if am alone..no way i will survive the make up shopping..haha
the SA sampai tension nak tunjuk mane make up yg suitable for my skin..
kantoi xpandai make up...what more if make tue yg brand2 skit kan..
pakai da lah selekeh..norin did most of the talk..hahaha..
n thanks incik for letting me buy what i want for the hantaran make up..
will keep it until the day..(kalau bole tahan lah eh)..hahaha
no pictures are allowed..u'll just have to wait for the day to come..

after all the shopping, duit pon tros abys..cuak tros kot sy..hihi..
no more spending..arghh tros kena mkn rm10 je per day..
no, just spent rm20 today for makan!benci diri sendiri..
jadi pada anda..sila lah jaga duit belanja n gaji anda supaya tidak menjadi spt sy di hari mendatang..wahh..over!haha..

next hantaran, i think i shud wait for june..saleeeeee...thank u..
but i just wish i in london for summer sale yang akan dtg..but no..
okay bye..kecewa :(
