Thursday, March 31, 2011

sy yg lembab :(

sorry lame gils x update belog..kasihan si belogkuu..haha konon2 bz lah these last few berjalan n menghabiskan duit org..
for those yg x tahu..last 2 weeks sy ke hatyai dgn family..
dan last week sy ke jakarta pula dgn bonda..
buat ape?haaa..yg tue nnt lah okays?
one at a time..sbb yg last 3 weeks punya blom cerita lg..hahaha..gila loser sgt kan?

okay..around last 3 weeks sy ke bday party si makcik ryn..
bkn lah bday's more like a bday dinner..kat mane?
it was kat Leeq, Lot10..alaa..rooftop lah kira..
sesampai n incik mcm 'OMG..gila mcm tpt exclusive'..maklumlah..xbiasa! sgt!
tros mcm *bunyi cengkerik*..awkward moment!!haha..
so ade lah dlm 12 org..sume totally pkai mcm plg selekeh dan gila plg x glamour yess,sy x knal lah mereka but they're superly nice n hotness!
kira time tue dorg mcm celeb ramai2 lah bday girls..bkn date same..kira mcm march babies lah..

the cake..OMG nnt sy tnjk okays?pengsan kejap sbb chumels sgt..athirah ckp dia book kat taman tun,cecilia..pnah mkn sblm ney..cake die mmg sgt sdap dan cantik2..
so bila the girls took pictures,mcm segan sgt nak msuk sbb kunun2 malu tahi kambing lah kan..
yea lah..sume mcm dgn x mandi nya sbb sblm tue ade function lain pula..haha..
muka mcm iisshh...perfume pon dah jd bau alam sekitar..hahaha..

btw, kami nak mkn pon takut2..sbb the food super mahal okay..haha..the soup dah 20+..main course would b more expensive than tony's or ape2 tahan perut lps
bday dinner tue g mkn kat mamak ABC kat cheras..haha..(nak ckp i mkn tomyam mangkuk kecik je dlm rm20)..hahaha..
incik lg kasihan..kunun nak order mcm best lah..mcm shrimp ape ntah..sat lg,smpi ade lah dlm 5 keping udang goreng tepung mcm ade sos ape skit2..haha..boleh lah thn sdap tp OMG 5 je kuts..haha..price?around rm20 as well..haha..

okay let's just tgk pictures okay..ooh btw, thank u soo much makcik ryn..for the invitation..even kamu pon terkjut the price kan..haha..but i loveee the dinner concept tho'..
hmm..lps ney buat kat tmpt murah skit k plss?hihihi..
chillis pon jd lah eh?hahaha..

p/s: sy blom upload these pictures kat fb lg..will upload them soon enuff..actually byk lg tp later okays..tgk sini dulu.. :)


Thursday, March 24, 2011

deal yang sgt baik skali :)

kamu kamu..
laju2 nak post ney..hihi..

td kan saya baru jeh register milkadeal..
ooh, kalau kamu slalu jln2 di belog org, most of them ade advert psl milkadeal kan?
serious x tipu weyh..kalau kamu tgk je website dorg without even registered yet, kamu msty sgt rase nak pengsan..
murah sgt plss..jadi sy tros paksa incik register sbb sy nak paw die deal spa tue..sgt murah okay package dia..
i mean u can get rm50 for 3 seperate sessions..(dah lah aku ney x pnah g spa kan)
jadi incik pon laju2 register juga..kata nya nnt i tggu gaji masuk,belikan okays?
i said cannot lahh!!nnt deal abys within 2 days..noooo..

jadi skrg ney die tgh pk cane lah nak dpt duit nak beli deal ney..hahaha..*eveil laugh*
kasihan juga..tue lah..sape suruh smlm die ckp psl nak g spa..kan tetibe dah ade offer..haha
since sy baru je register td, sy blom lah buy any deal soon..
boleh beli vouchers for presents or even spa sessions utk before kawin kan kan?
hihi...serious x tipu..dari bayar ratus2 kan?dah lah gambar x bole blah menarik hati suruh beli semua deal..okay dah mengarut..stop!

kalau nak benda murah utk spa, restaurants, manicure, padicure dan segala nya utk "cure" kan stress kamu, sila klik
kamu confirm punya nak beli tros..okay bye

p/s: sy nak g jakarta esok smpi jumaat bersama bonda tersyg..mahu tgk2 barang..nnt sy update lg ape yg dah in progress okays?masih dlm usaha utk mencari mini jars buat doorgift ;p


Monday, March 14, 2011

guestbook alternatives :)

last week x sempat nak update sbb tenet agak buduh di rumah n juga ofis..
sbnr nya nak ckp psl guestbook ney from last week tp tue lah..

yess,i know the day mmg jauh lg..but sy yg excited dan suka browse sume bnda psl wedding,
sibuk mengade nak cari psl guestbook awal2..
guestbook super penting to me kerna yea lah..bkn nya the bride n groom dpt jumpe sume tetamu at least after the wedding kite tgk blk..mcm "eh, die dtg wedding kita lah sbnr nya..xnampak pons"
kan kan?hihi..n i loveeeee how people decorate their guestbooks..
not only guestbooks, sumtimes people ade alternatives sbb nak nampak lain kan..very interesting..sampai sy pon mcm "eh, aku nak jugak lah mcm ney"..pastu dah browse lain.. "eh,nak mcm ney lah pulak..alaa"..haha..kan kan? :p
(nnt sy tunjuk gambar source dari incik google okays?)

bila google, tetiba mcm "ting!" yess..nak mcm ney..
so sy plan mahukan both guestbook n wish bowl..haha..
wish bowl, (if btol lah nama die kan)..kita guna mcm big glass bowl..
pastu guest tulis lah sukahati mereka kat kad2 kosong and letak lah dlm bowl tue..
kenape sy nak both guestbook and wish-bowl?
sbb gatal..tue lah yana..haha..
no lah..kerna actually kalau mcm kita buat dua, at least guest xyah lah mcm beratur or ramai2 tulis kat tempat yang same kan?(btol ke ape sy ckp?)
plus sy mcm teringin mahukan both cara.. :)
sy baru sbb jauh lg..xmahu pk sgt..mane tao nnt dah dkt2 october, ade cara baru lain pula kan?hello yana..7 plus months to go okays!jgn mengade..

sumtimes org juga gunakan wishing suka tue lah..nnt sape nak kutip and simpan..mesti lah bukan aku kan..haha..
ooh tp suka sgt..dream on yana..dream on..haha
ooh..nun jauh di US n english countries, org2 juga gunakan box seperating the alphabets..
n also boards so that guests can just stick their wishes..nampak sgt cool..ade jugak yang gantung the wishes using klip2 kayu yg gantung baju tue..tue lg cool plss..haha..
nahh pictures :)

wish-bowls (yea2 je kan name die wish bowl)..haha

OMG yang ney super cool..haha..sbb colourful :) beautiful if u have a wishing tree at ur wedding..haha..

sgt cool gila bab*s kannnnsss??hahaha..

p/s: so there u r..super cute n cool pictures..haishh..mimpi lebih kan aku ney..hihi..btw, am in search of hantaran shoes..xmahu yg mahal pon..but want mary jane or peep toe stils..alahai..suka nyaaaa..haha



Thursday, March 3, 2011

fashion and price :)

kamu kamu..
okay so this post sy xmahu ckp psl wedding dah..
lame2 nnt pon bhosan jugak kan?lgpon byk je wedding blog lain yg superly lg best!
contoh try search for 4weddingku, hazlynda, diah and more..
okay i just talked psl wedding lg..stop yana stop!

okay so this mahu cerita how cheapskate i am..i mean in a good way lah..
xde lah cronic smpi pinjam baju org x pulang blk sbb suka sgt..haha..
(sy x pernah buat okay..haha)
kenape sy ckp cheapskate?oowh..setiap kamu msty nak nmpk cantik tp bkn lah over kan?
perlu ke beli baju mahal2 sbb nak nmpk lain dari org lain..nope..i dont think so..
it's how u match the tops or bottoms..okay contoh..
perlu ke kamu beli simple kosong top from topshop just sbb kamu pk "oowh top ney kalau beli sng nak match dgn skirt or seluar ney"..(unless kamu btol2 mampu n xde hal)
no..kalau simple kosong top / blazer..xyah lah nak beli mahal2 sgt kans..lain lah kalau mcm colourful or beaded tops or lace or lain2 lah..haha..(okay i know u get the picture already)
ooh chops..lain lah punya superb terbaik mahu sgt..hmm

sy bkn ckp sy tahu dan bgs psl nak bgtahu betapa cheapskate nya sy di ambang fashion world..haha..sudah sgt jarang utk sy shop di topshop
apatah lg zara..haha..super mahal okay..semua pon nearly or more than 3 digits..okay mood benci dah dtg..haha
mahu nmpk elok tp murah..just go for cotton on or bazaars or online shopping..i mean..some of the qualities r good..just how kamu pandai cari n match them..
we can get mcm blazers for less than rm30, tops for rm10..for cotton okay!!selamba lah keluar pkai blazer rm30..bkn nya org tahu pon kalau mcm design die super simple..haha
some people spend like few hundreds a month utk hanya shop..okay sbnr nya geram sbb xbole buat mcm tue..jeles dgn sume org..hihi..

ooh..kalau kamu tgk pada brand..lain lah..mungkin itu bkn sy..kadang kalau dpt, alhamdulillah lah..akan sy jaga gila punya smpi syg nak pkai..haha..lps tue bila da lame2..nak jual blk sbb x pkai..haha..(belum smpi tahap tue lg..mungkin nnt..haha)
tp sy respect sgt kalau org tue beli semua stuffs yg sgt nice dan branded dan super mahal dgn duit usaha nya sndr..ramai sgt kwn2 sy begitu..bagus bukan??sy sgt jeles dan juga mahu dah slalu pokai asyik mkn x berhenti smpi duit abys kan..nak buat cane..hahaha..

contoh pemakaian murah saya..

okay..sorry letak gambar incik skali..bkn nak promote xkan lah nk letak gmbr sy sorg je..malu lah pulak kan over..haha
oowh tp baju incik juga murah..sbb sy yg belikan..haha..guess how much..its 8 euros shj..haha.. :p
okay cerita lame sbb mmg dulu xckup duit nak beli mahal2..(skrg pon same je..)

okay mine..inner top..cotton on..rm15..
cotton blazer..less than rm30..x ingat..juga cotton on..haha
floral skirt..less than rm30 juga kots..or was it rm30?ntah..cotton on juga..hahaha..
alaa..xkeysa lah skirt tue ramai org pakai pon..haha..teruk btol perangai aku kan?okay bye!


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

and the steps begin.. :)

baca tajuk di atas dan msty kamu tensi kerna sy slalu tulis status mcm tue di bbm, twitter dan fb..haha..
mcm ney, last week has been bz for me n mama..
alhamdulillah..steps tiap minggu bergerak lah utk preparation wedding nnt..kalau baca last post sy..baju..blom tempah..pelamin..blom buat appointment..hanya make up bukan?

okay..bermula early last week bila sy push mama whether sy ptt book rekateemor's time for appointment..yea mcm tue msty penuh nnt kan..then yadaa yadaa..jd misunderstanding..xbaik btol aku ney kan..hmmph!
so spt memahami, esok nya mama kate okay, bole buat i did..n mama met faez (rekateemor) yesterday..
sy xde okay sedey mama n him discussed n he sketched mcm mane semua lah..
he said he'll blocked his time lah utk date nnt..alhamdulillah..settled satu..
blk tue mama showed me the sketches..the way die lukis..puas hati..lets just wait for the outcome okays? :)

baju pula..ooh remember sy cerita yg mimpi kita punya space utk booking tgl 1 je for november?
guess sy dah rembat the space! booked Nurul's time last week n jumpe die last sabtu..
she designed n sketched adelah few kan..serious lame gila plss kitorg kat situ..smpi 2-3 org kena tggu sbb kami lame sgt..haha..lupa nak bwk blk the sketches to show kamu kamu..
its okay..tggu for the update maybe in September or October okays? ooh lupa nak mention!u know whatttt? mama n adik2 juga tempah skali..harap the results mantap..kerna the baju sy mintak xmahu terlalu berat or grand sbb nnt da xbole pkai lg..rugi..just a simple one tp xnak lah tenggelam..satgi org lain lg glamour kan..mampus aku!haha..
so sy hantar tempah kat mimpi kita only for nikah n recep..
utk bertandang..insyaAllah sy cuba tgk2 dulu..hmmph x sabar..

so there u go..okay lah kan at least dah u think im ahead of schedule?sume rakan kate wahh..cpt nya yana book semua..hihi..dah gatal sgt lah kan aku ney..bkn..sbnr nya x sabar..nak pkai cantik2..make up2..haha..gedik plss..

okay lah..nah..more random pictures :)

p/s: skrg tgh pk nak buat bunga tangan mcm mane..sgt sweet kan the colours,..suka gilaaaa plss..dun need them to be fresh flowers dun mind..asalkan xlah nmpk sgt mcm bunga tipu nak mcm ney plss..haha..(sumpah lbt lg kan?)..hahaha..xbole blah..okay bye

